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Welcome to my Christmas blog. If you arrived here from my other blog, Gracenotes For Today then you already know all about my love for cardmaking, home dec items, sewing projects and graphic design.

This site will host anything with a Christmas theme, either NEW or that was previously on the Gracenotes For Today site. Also, to the above list, I will include some of my poems that are perfect for use with cardmaking.

I'm so happy you decided to drop by. Please feel free to comment on anything you see here that inspires you.

~ Grace

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November 22, 2024

Under the Mistletoe


Mistletoe Moment

When it's impossible to be with your special person on Christmas, we can reminisce or dream of a mistletoe moment with that loved one. Although this year is a little sad because of travel restrictions, my mistletoe card will bring a smile to my recipient's face (and possibly a tear).

Design Details

For this card, I wanted an arbor for the couple to stand under. Design Space did not have an appropriate arbor so I made my own using a window frame and removing the inside panes and bottom ledge.

The couple are from the Suburbia cartridge, since I knew my recipient would appreciate the vintage look.

The gold background is actually sparkly but not a thick cardstock -- perfect for this application.
To fill the space on the right, I decided to use an embossing folder that I've had for a few years but never used. The ornaments needed a little something extra, so I painted them with clear Wink of Stella. Photos just can't capture the shine and slight sparkle.

Mistletoe Moment

I actually designed the circular mistletoe sentiment to be placed on the card's front. It just didn't fit well there, so I came up with an inside design. The mistletoe sprig is the same as the one used on the arbor, just larger for impact.

The inside verse was prepared in word, using a circle shape as a mask, exactly the same size as my "Cricutted" embellishment. This method let me type my words all around the circle. I was able to get the correct spacing by keeping the "masked circle" on my screen until my message was completed. Then I deleted that circle.

Above photo illustrates text wrapping around the sentiment piece.

February 21, 2024

FAMILY SKATE - Two Christmas Card Designs

 Family Skating Silhouettes

This Christmas, I decided to design something more NON-traditional, and yet, it IS traditional. What do I mean?

I came across silhouettes of people skating that just happen to look EXACTLY like my children! This technique is not your typical Christmas design. Yet, the designs themselves are nostalgic for me.

A Swiss-like Scene

Daughter and Son-in-Law

My daughter and son-in-law love to travel. One of their favourite places is Switzerland. They also love to get out in the fresh air and go for walks, no matter if it's winter or not.

I designed this card, keeping in mind their love for Swiss home architecture, mountainous terrain (hills, in this case) and big beautiful pine trees. The couple skating on this card look exactly like them!

Long and Winding Skate Path
Daughter, Son-in-Law & Granddaughter

This little family is perfect for my other daughter's little family. They were thrilled with it and told me: "It' just like US! How did you do that?"

It's like I always say: Cardmaking has to be personal to the recipients, or why bother! This year, I was delighted with how these two cards turned out.

November 02, 2023


 Believe in the Babe of Bethlehem

The Title Says It All

In recent years, each Christmas season we see the word "Believe" showing up in holiday decor items. But what does THAT mean? Believe in what?

Of course, for many people, it is assumed that the word means believe in Santa Claus. However, the Christmas story, the REAL story is not about a jolly man in a red suit.  In fact, St. Nicholas himself knew about and reverenced Jesus.

The Design

The card is 5 x 7" in shades of soft teal, taupe and aqua, with accents of gold foil cardstock.

I created this card as a reminder of the truth about Christmas. The Babe of Bethlehem, of course, refers to Jesus who is the entire reason for CHRISTmas. In fact, one fabulous Christmas store in Frankenmuth has become world-famous for its size and Christmas decorations, trees and ornaments. Busloads of people flock to Bronner's year round to experience the sparkle and delights the store holds.

What I (and thousands of others) love is that Bronner's specializes in Nativity sets and scenes, and Christmas items that are all about the birth of Jesus, who was and still is, Saviour of the World.

Poem Inside:  My Christmas Wish for You

I wrote this special poem especially for Christmas 2020. It was a sad time of lockdowns and despair. Yet, the beauty of Christmas was not lost by those who treasure its meaning and joy.

I'd love to know your thoughts about this card.


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